After consultation with Porcupine, we have decided to impose several new rules regarding the application process:
1. From this point on, All recruits are required to be referred to this forum by any recruiters first before they are tried out. They will then have to write an application in the application section before tryouts. Unless the recruits have passed the tryout, no recruits will be allowed to put HBG tags on. I ask that all recruiters take notice of this.
2. All new recruits will officially have to have recruit tags for a week. So the Rank will be something like this: {HBG}- Your name REC. A trainer (RnK/Imperator/Zwarrior) will be assigned to them to train them and help them improve their skill before they officially become members of the clan.
3. Any violation of the rules will not be tolerated and will lead to serious consequences. That also includes for any recruiters who tests the applicant first before they write an app. I hope that no one will violate the rules of the application process and that we will not have to take any sort of action against anyone. Let's all help to make an effort to keep the peace and a clan to have fun!
Peace, and have a great day folks!